Sunday, March 23, 2014

What's new

I'm neglecting this blog in favor of my arts blog.  I'm doing more sketching than anything these days. 

Update:  Not much fun and games here lately

Eye surgery:  Disappointing.  After paying a lot of money to have toric lens implant for the cataract, my vision in that eye can't even be corrected to 20/20!  The optometrist explained that the surgery to correct the defect (partial vitreous detachment) is likely the reason I can't get as good a correction as others did who just had a simple cataract surgery.  She offered hope that my vision could continue to improve for about a year post surgery.  Also, I do have to re-frame my disappointment:  the progressively damaging condition was fully corrected and my overall eyesight in that eye was saved.

Knee:  sigh.  I don't know what I did but I sustained some sort of soft tissue injury behind my right knee.  It was very painful and I had to use crutches to get to the doctor.  A few days of complete rest, a brace and prescription anti-inflammatory have mostly done the trick in just over a week.  It still hurts a little but the knee is now more uncomfortable with the brace than without it. 

Wolf has been sick with a nasty sore throat and dry cough for a week.  If not much better, he'll be going back to the doctor on Monday.  Poor guy.  He has a prescription but he's still quite uncomfortable.

I've not done a thing with the fabrics I bought at Sew Expo.  One was for printing on and the other painting with Inktense water pencils.  I also bought a Folkwear pattern I've not even opened. 

I attended 2 of 3 sessions of an excellent sketching workshop taught by a local artist.  I absorbed more useful techniques about perspective in one morning with her than I have in any other way in the past 2 years that I've been back to art!


I did, however, learn a technique for making my own sketchbooks!  A friend and fellow sketcher taught a workshop yesterday.  A few photos are here.

The method has an exposed spine:

Interesting activities and events are coming up, though.  I'm going to visit a friend in Portland and we're going to do the "Grimm Tour of Portland".   The TV series Grimm is filmed there and actual Portland locations are used for the exteriors.   Norwescon is mid-April.  I'm skipping Emerald City Comicon again this year. 

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