Friday, February 7, 2014

Eye surgery

On Monday, 3 February I had surgery on my right eye.  I had a partial posterior vitreous detachment.  Vitreous is the gel that fills the back compartment of the eye from behind the lens back to the surface of the retina.  It is important only during fetal development.  After birth, it serves no purpose so as people age the vitreous gel goes through some changes and can separate from the retina. Usually it doesn't cause a problem.  However, mine remained attached to the macula and pulled on it, forming a cyst. There was a chance it would resolve on its own so it was watched for about 9 months.  At the end of December, the MD said it was time for surgery as it was getting worse, as measured by repeated scans over the months of follow up.

So on Monday it was surgically repaired.  Because he would be working on that eye anyway, the MD also removed a cataract and replaced it with a toric lens implant.  The hope is that I will not need any glasses prescription in that eye.

I had to wear an eye shield for a day.  Here I am on Tuesday, about to go to my 24 hour followup.  I was amused by the surgeon's initials written above the eye.  He wrote it with a Sharpie after talking to me during pre-op prep.

Today is the third day post-op.  I'm already able to read some with the surgical eye without a glasses prescription.  I popped the right lens out of my glasses.  Maybe I'll just be able to have a monocle!  My neighbor is an optician and suggested contacts have improved so much the vision in my left eye might be able to be corrected and then I would only need one contact lens!
So far, so good!

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