I'm back from 4 days at
Norwescon. Wanda drove up from Portland to go with me and we shared a room. We got back to my home Sunday afternoon.
I'm still catching up on 4 days with no internet! The hotel offered free wifi but the bandwidth was so poor it took more than 5 minutes to connect to anything so I gave up on that Thursday night!
I don't have so many photos this year. My Canon G12 was in for repair. These
were taken with the Nexus 5, which is not as good or as easily used
camera. So I did not take as many photos. What I did take
are all here.
One of my first ever selfies; this one is with Wanda as we left for the con. I'm on the left.
I discovered the
Seattle Geekly podcast is back! They stopped doing it in 2011 so I didn't follow their website anymore. They had to register a new domain as someone squatted on their old one, which had expired.
I attended 4 different art panels. Two were discussions and two were figure drawing sessions with costumed models, some of whom I knew!
One of the most interesting panels was Behind the Scenes at Kennedy Space Center presented by Hugo-winning SF writer, David D. Levine. A few facts I noted down from his slide show and talk. He got to have a very up close tour and then watched a launch. Water is sprayed on the launch pad during a launch. It's not for the flames but to deaden the sound. The sound of the engines alone can damage the rocket! He said, "from 100 feet away the sound will kill you; from 500 feet away the flames will kill you; from 1000 feet away the alligators will kill you" (Kennedy Space Center is also a nature preserve). There are 2 of the huge crawlers which transport a rocket from the build location to the launch pad. They are named Hanz and Franz. They get 55 gallons to the mile.
My hall costume for Friday was "Momma Grimm". It's a version of what Nick's mother wears on the TV show Grimm. Wolf said it was too obscure and he was right. I wasn't allowed to carry the crossbow due to weapons policy at the con. I thought that would help people recognize what I was supposed to be. Turns out, those people who asked had never even seen Grimm, so they had no reference. These were taken on the balcony of our room by my friend Bethany....
I made a copy of the Wesen reference book from images I found on the web.
The Author Guest of Honor for Norwescon 38 in 2015 is George R.R. Martin, of Game of Thrones fame. He was invited in 2012 and replied (paraphrasing what we were told)" Can't do it this year. Not in 2013, nor 2014. How's 2015?" So there it is.